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Project Students

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Arindam Barman

Home Automation using Arduino

The HC-05 is a very cool module which can add two-way (full-duplex) wireless functionality to the project. This module to communicate between two microcontrollers like Arduino or communicate with any device with Bluetooth functionality like a Phone or Laptop. There are many android applications that are already available which makes this process a lot easier. The module communicates with the help of USART at 9600 baud rates hence it is easy to interface with any microcontroller that supports USART.

The Uno differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features an ATmega16U2 programmed as a USB-to serial converter. This auxiliary microcontroller has its own USB bootloader, which allows advanced users to reprogram it.

The relay module is a separate hardware device used for remote device switching. This can be used remotely control devices over a network or the Internet. Devices can be remotely powered on or off with commands coming from Clock Watch Enterprise delivered over a local or wide area network. It has a standard interface that can be controlled directly by microcontroller.

home automation we are using 230 v ac power supply and relay module is used to control the load. There are four relays are used each of relay is controlling the one load.




Krishitija Saha

Voice Based Hot & Cold Water Dispensor using Raspberry Pi

This system is fully based on voice sensor, which uses a Raspberry Pi circuit, this water dispenser system also uses an IR sensor, a voice sensor, a mic, and jars for storing water, pipes and a motor. In this project, the voice is detected by the voice sensor, and then the sensor sends the respective information to the microcontroller, to understand whether the water required by the person should be hot or cold. The microcontroller processes the information to the IR sensor to determine whether the glass is placed below the pipe or not. The system uses IR sensors to detect the presence of water glass and then the IR sensor sends the signal to the microcontroller about the presence of the glass, accordingly, the motor starts and the water flows through the pipes from the particular jar (hot/cold). If the glass is not placed, the sensor sends a respective signal to the motor, which does not cause the water to flow through the pipe until the glass is placed. This system can be used at home, offices etc. to get hot or cold water by just giving a voice commands.

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Subhankar Das

Control Home Appliances using Embedded System

Home Automation has brought invaluable changes in our daily life in this present day. Now Smart Mobiles are seen by almost all people. This home automation technology is designed in such a way that it can be operated with the smart phones or remotes that people have. There are many technologies with which human can control such devices like ZigBee, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc. This home automation system can be operated by any of these technologies. This home automation technology has reduced people’s financial costs and made people’s life easier. This technology works based on EMBEDDED system.

Some people forget to switch off some home appliances (fan, lights etc.) due to their hurry and children sometime turn on home appliances due to unwanted reasons. Our purpose of this project to solve these kinds of problems and try to made people’s life easier.


Siddhartha Bhunia

Smart Vehicle Parking System Using Arduino

We can define the number of cars . It allows the number of cars. In this project two Arduino Codes are available, one is for LCD 16x2_c Display Scanner and another one is for Car_Parking System . First code is used to find the address of our LCD Display.By uploading the code we will get a hexadecimal code that will be used in our main Code . We can fix the total number of parking slots. Assume it has 5 parking slots.

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